If I could: 1. Have you read the novel? 2. I haven't read the book, but I have read a review of it elsewhere, and at no stage does the murderer profess to being trans - hence doesn't it seem like the wrong reaction to accuse Rowling of transphobia if her character is not even trans to begin with? 3. If the character *were* trans (which, to be clear, he is not), would there still be a big problem with someone writing a book with a trans villain? Are there no trans villains in the world? Are they not allowed to exist? Are only trans writers allowed to include trans villains in their fiction? Or are trans characters only allowed to be heroic? 4. Do you feel the same about other books where the murderer disguises himself as a woman to better commit a crime? I'm thinking of the Buffalo Bill character in The Silence of the Lambs, for one.